For too long the Church has been unconscious. More harm is done through weak people (those who look on and do nothing) than through wicked people. We need an awakened generation who will make a difference in the world. The transformation of our hearts will bring reformation. The sleeping Church and has lost her influence in this world because of the spirit of Delilah who is after the hearts of the children of God. Dead and sleeping people cannot change anything. To make a difference, we need to serve God unreservedly with all of our hearts, because He has given us all of His heart. God is waking up the Church, bringing resurrection and a release from weariness to us in this day. We are breaking out of deadness and limitations, having our dreams, deeds and discernment revived. We need to move from survival to success to significance, from desire to action to results. We need to wake up to the fact that the purpose of our lives is not to be happy, but to be useful and make a difference in the world. We will see the grave clothes removed from the church and the eyes, ears and mouth of the Church released. We are being resurrected and released to declare the joyful sound of heaven upon the earth. We need to see, hear and speak – our words create our world. We are never more like God than when we speak the words to bring the truth of His will for our lives into existence. Let us not be imprinted by a principle or culture of religion, but implanted into a person, who is Christ.