The most successful times we experience in life are the times when we spend the most time in the presence of the Lord. Time spent with God and in His Word brings powerful wisdom, energy and ability to do what He gives us to do. In order to be a revived Church, we need to have hearts that consistently seek after God. We need the presence of God in our lives and homes. If we will lift up our gates, the King of Glory will come in to have a relationship with us. We need to be a generation which perseveres in seeking after God in spite of a seeming lack of success. Although God is omnipresent, He is not always manifestly present like, for instance, the cloud and fire through which He manifested with Israel in the wilderness. We have got to get to the place where God is a reality. God is not lost that He has to be found, but veiled so that He has to be sought after. When we spend time in prayer, sowing for ourselves righteousness, the dry areas in our lives will start to produce a harvest. To seek God, He has to be the main priority in your life and you need to be constantly conscious of Him, giving Him the attention of your mind and the affection of your heart. This needs to be followed up with time spent in fellowship with Him in His presence and Word. To become a person with a seeking heart, you need to avoid everything which dulls you spiritually. If you seek Him, He will be found by you and you will never be forsaken and you will find life and blessings.