Jesus was the fulfilment of every prophecy, type and shadow which had been recorded in the Old Testament. There were a number of feasts in the Old Testament, each displaying one aspect of all that which Jesus was going to fulfil by dying on the cross. On Palm Sunday He overtly entered Jerusalem displaying the fact that He was the King, the Messiah, ushering in the New Testament and seeing out the Law. In cursing the fig tree, He was demonstrating that also man-man religion of dead works was coming to an end. He entered Jerusalem as the High Priest, to cleanse the temple. In Him, God was visiting His people, in order to give them the glory, dominion and authority which had been lost. Through all of this Jesus was saying that there was going to be a new mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, the City of God, a clean temple filled with His Spirit, which is His Body. He is our High Priest, our Prophet. In this city there will be a new presence – the presence and glory of God, the presiding of a new Priest-King, the purpose of the Kingdom is restored, and purity being restored. If we get back to understanding and seeking His presence and realising that there is a new King/Priest presiding over the city and temple, back to the purpose of the Kingdom which is purity, prayer and praise, we will see the power of God unleashed on this world through our lives like never before.