In the cross of Christ, there is a justice for us against the bitterness of slavery to sin and the powers of darkness. We have now received righteousness and life through grace and faith in the blood and sacrifice of Jesus and will not come under any condemnation again, because we have chosen and love the light of God. God could not just ignore our sin because He is a just God, but through Jesus’ identifying with us and carrying the penalty for our sin, He satisfied the justness of God and we were set free to identify with Him and receive justification from sin, thereby measuring up to the plumb line of God’s righteousness. God’s judgments are always just and true and His judgment on our behalf is that we are pardoned, free, not guilty, un-blameable, unreproveable and perfected in the love of God because of the sacrifice of Jesus – which judgment we welcome. The cross is the throne, the altar, the footstool, the mercy seat and the judgment seat of Christ. The judgment seat, because that is where He took all of our judgment upon himself. On the cross He made the judgment of saying “Father forgive them…” which meant that He was justifying sinners, confirming it by forgiving the one man being crucified with him who sought forgiveness.