As we progress through the Book of Revelation, we see a progression from Jesus as the Son of Man to Jesus as the Son of God, the Lord of Glory the King over his Kingdom on earth. He has set us up as kings and priests here to rule and reign forever. In Hebrews 9:28 it is written about them (us) who are looking for and expecting Christ and that He shall appear to them a second time, bringing full salvation. In Ephesians 1:13-14 Paul talks about the Holy Spirit being the down payment of the full redemption or inheritance which is ours in Christ Jesus. In II Corinthians 5:1-8 Paul talks about our permanent heavenly body. Romans 8:18-23 talks about creation groaning for deliverance from bondage through the manifestation of the Sons of God and here it again talks about us having the deposit of the Spirit and groaning for the full redemption of our bodies. In I John 3:2 John talks about us being like Christ at His appearance. II Timothy 4:8 talks about something which those who have died and those who are alive, will experience. From all these scriptures it is clear that not everything was fulfilled in AD70. II Timothy 1:10 talks about death having been abolished and life and immortality brought to light through the gospel – which is still to be manifested. In Ephesians 4:11-16 Paul also talks about the Body being perfected unto a perfect man, the statue of the measure of the fullness of Christ – something for the future. I Corinthians 5:23-28 talks about the first-fruits – those who came out of the graves when Jesus was raised and Christ reigning until all his enemies have been put under his feet, the last enemy being death. It is written in Acts 24:15 talks about the resurrection of the dead – an occurrence which is still to happen. In Acts 3:20-21 we read about Christ being retained in heaven until the time of the restitution of all things. This is also something which is still to happen. Paul talks about the judgment of the quick and the dead at the appearance of Christ. In other words, His appearing will be consummation of His kingdom. In I Thessalonians 4:13-18 it talks of the voice of the angel (Jesus) calling forth all who have died to be united with their bodies and those still alive to be changed into immortality. This event is the returning of Jesus to earth, not the rapture. He is bringing the saints who have died with Him and this is when the meek inherits the earth, to rule and reign here. Revelation 21 says that the tabernacle of God is with men. The words ‘caught up’ means to be in another state, even as Paul experienced on the road to Damascus. “In the air” is talking about our breathable atmosphere. ‘Clouds’ are referring to the cloud of glory and divinity and the cloud of witnesses surrounding us, as was seen on the mount of transfiguration. In the last day there will be a rising up to full salvation, immortality and life and life in abundance. Jesus is returning spiritually, globally, to all peoples, to the whole Body of Christ. The return is conditional upon our expectation, our preaching of the gospel and our personal holiness. His glory is to be reflected in His glorious, victorious body, the manifestation of the Sons of God. This Kingdom is filling the whole earth.