Every human being grows up disadvantaged with a wounded broken centre of gravity, fractured and having a defaced image of God – we are all in need of healing. This healing is called sanctification, a process which is geared toward the goal of perfection, maturity, the full stature and image of Jesus Christ, a life of godly love. From the moment when we first profess Jesus as our Saviour, He begins His ministry as our apostle, shepherd and high priest, husbanding the garden of our lives to bring forth the fruit of a godly character. When we get saved we are righteous because we are placed in Christ but we are also taught by the Word that we must clothe ourselves with Him and train ourselves, or our senses, to live a life of manifested holiness, discerning good and evil. Jesus is our armour, enabling us to stand in the day of evil. He is our guarantee of perfection. If we live by the Spirit and keep in step with Him, we will not fulfil the lust of the flesh and eyes, we will not have the pride of life and love for the temporal things of the world in us, but we will experience that the spirit of our minds is changed and transformed to love God. This love of God inside of us will result in our senses being so trained and exercised, that instead of them being an enemy, they become our ally, assistant and friend. This exercise of godliness and doing the will of the Father has eternal value. Drinking in the rain of the word of truth which is often falling has an automatic result in a person, which is the God-pleasing fruit of a godly character. Such a person can be entrusted with the blessing, power and authority of God, without the danger of being destroyed by it.