We need to awaken to the spiritual reality that when we got saved, it was through a simple act of faith that instantly changed us from natural to spiritual people – Romans 10:3. This simple act of believing and speaking your acceptance of Christ immediately places a person in a position of having become absolutely righteousness – no works need to be done to attain it, it comes by the grace of God alone. It is the desire of every Christian to be right with God and to be anointed. Again, this cannot be attained by works, it comes from the understanding of who we now are in Christ – and that is God’s view of us. This happens when we repent of the faulty view we have of ourselves. When we get reconciled with God, we are in absolute union with Him and share with His divine powerful being. We are not sinners saved by grace, but righteous saints, children of God, the righteousness of God in Christ. That then means if we do sin, repenting brings immediate forgiveness from God, and as we accept this, we walk without a lingering condemnation (condemnation is a tool in the hand of the enemy and the flesh). Where the revelation of righteousness is lacking, people are enemies of the cross of Christ, carnal, babies, dull of hearing, unable to handle spiritual meat, in bondage and unable to exercise the ministry of reconciliation. Thus a person’s understanding of the righteousness of God determines his/her maturity. Understanding righteousness gives the power to live in victory over sin – it is not an issue of don’t sin and be righteous, but rather you are righteous – don’t sin. This revelation of our righteousness gives us all things pertaining to life and godliness, has us immersed in the divine nature escaping the lust of the world, and one becomes a proof producer in the knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ. The Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Being assured of your righteousness and freedom from condemnation produces a powerful, fruitful and joyful walk in the Spirit.