Consistency is crucial to experience a breakthrough. Being consistent in your prayers, reading the Word and continuing in your service unto God will result in experiencing breakthroughs because the power inside of us is greater than any power which the enemy has to resist you. Sometimes breakthrough is not an event, but a lifestyle of growing from glory to glory. The troubles, trials, mundaneness and drudgery of life is God’s way of building character and shaping something inside of you concerning faith, for example, as we see in the life of Joseph. Always looking for experiences and the excitement thereof can be a sign of immaturity because you cannot live your life by that, but the consistency of a deliberate and focused effort to stay on course, to be steady, unchangeable, immovable, constant and firmly fixed in a position will lead to experiences with God. Consistency will put you in a place of faith over emotion and cause your roots to grow deep. To stay consistent, we need to discipline our emotions and stay by the rivers of living water, the well-spring of life, which is our relationship with Jesus. Instability and inconsistency will derail your destiny. Double-mindedness is the root of inconsistency. There is no inconsistency in God, He is always the same and we should be a portrayal of that.