There are times when we lose focus due to the business of everyday life. King David is a man to whom we can relate. David was a man after God’s own heart, but we see in the Psalms how he went through emotional ups and downs. He was anointed with oil when God called him as king and by this anointing he was elevated, called, stepped into authority and attracted the attention of the enemy. He always respected and valued the anointing as his greatest treasure. This anointing made him bold and turned his greatest challenge into his greatest weapon – as we see when he killed Goliath. David understood that the anointing was not conditional upon his feelings and he knew how to re-activate and bring into manifestation the anointing in his life because he could not function without it. It is the same with us, it does not matter what we have been through or what we are going through, we are still anointed and we need to remind ourselves of this. We need to meditate on the times when we experienced the anointing and have it refreshed. The anointing is the presence of the Holy Spirit in manifestation, it strengthens and invigorates us and results in us being fruitful and flourishing. One of the things which will help us recover the anointing is to recover the sense of the presence of God. It is important to stay in peace because it is from that place that the anointing operates. We do not need to meditate on our problems, but on that which is the solution to the problems, which is the anointing, the presence of God, and set our hearts at rest there. This is also the place to stir up our zeal for God anew and become full of positivity and faith. This is our key to breakthroughs.