Very often when God brings revival in the Church, there is also a revival of evil in the world because the enemy is trying to counter what God is doing. Because the media only reports on the evil, we can become jaded in our Christian walk listening to all the negativity, but we need to rather become more determined in our reaching out for a visitation and revival. With acknowledgement to a teaching by Bill Johnson, we know that there are four values that create the atmosphere for the miraculous in the lives of believers and these four values are each equal in strength and importance. These values re-settle people’s load or value system, creating a kingdom mindset that readies the atmosphere for a visitation from God. The values are: Firstly, the most important thought to have established in our minds, is that God is good, He is your Father who holds nothing against you. The second value is that there is nothing that is impossible to God and the person operating in child-like faith, as can be seen throughout the whole Bible. The third value is that every single issue of human misery and suffering had been settled on the cross. The fourth value is that every believer is significant and that everything (circumstances, etc.) is under us, as we have been elevated by Jesus. God wants to visit us, but if we are too grown-up and jaded and not prepared by having these values in place, the visitation will pass us by. However, having a miracle mindset enables a believer to automatically and continuously be filled and overflow with the Holy Spirit. When we are totally yielded to the Holy Spirit, He will visit us and endow us with tremendous power. Where the Spirit is Lord, there is liberty.