God stated very emphatically in the Book of Revelation that He is with us and we need to believe this and live accordingly. The encounters we have with God first change us, but this change enables us to minister effectively to those around us. When we experience visitations from God He restores identity, brings healing and restoration, gives clear direction, brings refreshing and more revelation of who He is. An encounter with Jesus can mature and heighten your spiritual senses, deepen your hunger for Him and change your perspective and attitude at a time when you are going through a desert experience in your life. When going through a desert time, do not dwell there, but maintain your joy by drinking from the fountain inside of you and have the right attitude, by not pulling away but rather stay connected to the Body of Christ – this will bring forth spiritual growth through God’s awesome grace. Where necessary, get godly counsel and keep trusting God for deliverance, knowing that He wants to encounter you and will break through, bringing you out of a place of shame, showing forth His glory. Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Bridged of Ireland are examples of people who had desert experiences and encounters with God and were enabled to do supernatural things afterward. To attain this level of the supernatural, God is bringing us to a place of maturity. We come to maturity by continuously maintaining our walk with God, being faithful and committed to what God has called us to do, and not fall into the trap of our ‘instant’ society, but realise that what God is doing inside of us, might become difficult, or that it may take time. We need to get hungry from more of God, for a visitation, for glory.