The present Covid-19 pandemic is a trial, the testing of our faith because this also affects believers. According to the Apostle James, we need to adopt a mental approach of pure joy and faith towards our trials, afflictions and persecutions, instead of despondency. Jesus said to be exceedingly glad in these circumstances. The correct responses to trials produce that which brings forth joy – a refinement of character, perseverance, patience, maturity, blessings and a reward in heaven. God uses the trials we go through in a negative world, hostile to godliness and Christianity, to produce and refine our positive God-given attributes of faith and love. We should strengthen and encourage each other’s faith in these times, thereby dispersing any unsettledness and countering the temptations from the evil one to complain. In these times, it is vital to stay in the place of refuge, our strong tower – the sanctuary of God’s Word and presence. This is where we obtain strength, wisdom, grace, and mercy. Faith that has been tried and tested comes out as pure gold, complete and mature. Trials are always temporary, tailor-made, and unique to every individual, produces tested or proven faith, which faith is then to the glory and honour of God. During hard times, do not respond irrationally but rather biblically, exaggeratedly, and resentfully. Stand firm in your spiritual identity, stay in love, hold fast to every spiritual discipline, help those around you and be that example of steadfastness to the world around us, which is experiencing turmoil and fear.