Our lives have been redeemed by Jesus. By living a life pleasing unto God, worthy of this redemption, we are enabled to redeem the time. This is a life lived in accordance to the Word and the Spirit’s wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as well as in the fear of the Lord. Living like this will result in a fruitful and efficient life, continually growing in the knowledge of God. In this growth, we gain the Mind of Christ, the wisdom of living according to God’s will. The wisdom of God needs to be maintained in order not to lose it. We maintain wisdom by not rebelling against God and pursuing our own way, not failing to develop an awareness of God’s presence n our lives, and not failing to do good to those around us. The methods to increase wisdom are: make it your goal to know- and have a relationship with God, study the Bible and apply the Word to your life, make prayer a regular feature of your life asking God for wisdom when needed, ask the Lord to reveal any area in your life which is not yet submitted to his wisdom and deal with it and walk with wise people, accepting their counsel. Those who keep to God’s ways and wisdom are blessed, find life, and have favour with both God and man.