The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was God coming and revealing His presence in the new temple, the Church. We are enabled by the Holy Spirit to continue in the acts and teachings which Jesus had begun. God’s intention is for every believer to be a Spirit-led priest, in other words, a Kingdom of Priests. Even as God manifested His presence in the Old Testament through clouds, wind, and fire, His Church is now to be a manifestation of His glory. Because God is dwelling with us, his people, we can expect manifestations such as buildings shaking, miracles, signs, and wonders in our midst. To see this happen, it is important that we keep being sensitive and responsive to the Holy Spirit. We need to have a revelation of the fact that we are the heirs of God and operate therein, to experience the angels (manifested as wind and fire) serve us. The more we press into the spirit realm, the more we will experience the activity and ministry of angels. When we speak God’s word, His voice is contained in that word and angels hearken and act thereupon. The voice of God goes with the presence of God. We need to listen carefully to the voice of God, because his voice will re-focus us on our purpose and mission, guide us with a proceeding word while we are on this mission, and reveal to us when He is doing something new in our journey with Him. We need to have our spiritual senses fine-tuned and presented to God to hear His voice and have an awareness of his presence instead of only having an awareness of every negative thing happening in the world around us.