Although Jesus is the pattern by which we know God, He also had to get to know and grow in this knowledge of his Heavenly Father. Living out God’s principles through the fruit of the Holy Spirit makes us become like Him – his image on the earth, reflected back to Him. The Holy Spirit has nine gifts, but the last one mentioned, that is self-control, is the one that enables the first eight. God wants us to operate in rulership, authority, and dominion but we can overcome nothing else if we cannot control ourselves. A person who is not in control of his spirit is a person who is easily offended by being challenged, questioned, or called into account and is thus left without any defense whatsoever against temptation. This person has no discipline or energy to apologize when wrong, has no patience and kindness for difficult people, always sees himself as right and others as wrong, is a gossip, unteachable, self-justified, anxious, insecure, insanely jealous and controlling, and always seeking for recognition and affirmation. A person who is wise because of his intimate knowledge of God is in control of his spirit and he will embrace instruction. This person will accept correction and chastening from God and appreciate His discipline. He is not easily offended or provoked, can receive criticism with love without feeling inferior or furiously defending himself, guards his tongue, and does good deeds without boasting about it. This person can resist the urge to meddle in someone else’s business or give unsolicited advice; he has the strength and discipline to do hard things like to apologize and forgive unreservedly, and read his bible and pray when in trouble. In order to rule, be strong, and do great exploits in this out-of-control world, it is of vital importance for us to firstly rule, by the Spirit and God’s grace, over that which is inside of us.