God’s desire is for us to know Him intimately, relationally and experientially, which will transform our lives. However, there is something greater than knowing God, and that is the fact that God knows, loves, and cares for us. He knows every human being. However, there are three levels of God knowing us – firstly the general omniscience of God, secondly the foreknowledge whereby He called and chose us and thirdly God knows those who respond to His choosing with faithfulness, who loves and trusts in Him, and who can be trusted. He foreknew and predestined us to be conformed to the image of his Son. This conformation is a process, but when God looks at us, He sees us as a finished work, a mirror of himself. However, we need to co-operate with this process of getting to the place where we are fully known and acknowledged by God. We need to walk in the right way with Him. We need to have the right moral character and motives, instant obedience and have an ever-increasing enthusiasm to press in to know and love Him more. As we respond with instant obedience and utmost trustworthiness to whatever God asks us to do, we will experience Him saying “well done my Son” and enter into the joy of the Lord because of the accreditation and affirmation from our Father. When we have reached full maturity or perfection – which means being mature in love – we will be fully known by God.