At our conversion we give our hearts to Jesus. He then continues to work in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, enacting the work of sanctification on that, our inner being. God wants a deep, personal, and meaningful relationship with us and although He loves us unconditionally, to experience this love, we are to be careful to stay within the boundaries thereof. We can be separated from an experiential knowledge of the love of God by sin, deep hurts, and wrong attitudes. These need to be dealt with because it constitutes a wrong concept of who God is. A deep, intimate relationship with God is every human being’s greatest need. This need cannot be satisfied by anything else, and the result of this relationship is deep peace, joy, and blessing. The Bible says that the pure in heart shall see God. We have the hope in us that when we see Jesus as He is, we are transformed into His likeness. The prerequisite, however, is that we also purify our hearts by faith – this is of immense importance. The pure in heart are those who have been purified in mind, principles, and deepest motives. True renewal of human behaviour, morals, etc. originates from the heart, it is not imposed on or modified from the outside. We are changed through the help of the Holy Spirit, and by aligning ourselves with the pure Word of God, and consistently, with an undivided heart, seeking God’s face. Seeing God means that we have open access and admission into His presence where we see, touch, and encounter Him. It means that we are friends with God, enjoying his favour, and participating in his divine nature, because we are beholding him in the face of Jesus, being changed from glory unto glory. In times when we need God’s help, we can easily access his grace when we are in a position of continuously seeking his face. Will to have a pure heart, and you will see God!