We are living in an era of social injustices, racial hatred, violent crimes, confused identities, conformity, loss of a conscience, immorality, fraud, and corruption – a godless, aimless, lost society. All of this is being exacerbated by distortions coming via mass media, peer pressure and poor family involvement. But when God shows up, all this will change. Bitterness, anger, hatred, anger, and rage will disappear in the presence of God. In these trying times we must keep perspective and have faith in who God is and what He can and will do. God is omnipresent, immutable, omnipotent, omniscient, full of infinite, perfect, unchanging wisdom, and faithful. There is, however, a difference between God’s omnipresence and his manifested presence. His manifested presence has as a result that everyone’s awareness of him is awakened. God chooses when to manifest his presence. His presence changes, and transforms us, taking us from glory to glory. God’s presence restores our fire to witness for Him and removing the scales from our eyes enables us to see in the spirit, ears to hear the wind of the Spirit. If we can only see a glimpse of the glory of God, the things of this world will no longer catch our attention. When God shows up, a lost generation is found, our hearts are mended, unified, and set ablaze. Bondages are broken resulting in freedom in the house, burdens are lifted, healings and miracles happen, and fullness of joy comes in His presence.