In the time of the Old Testament and the Law drought was the punishment for sin but when Jesus died on the cross, He opened up the floods to continuously flow towards the people of God and we are now living in the time of rains and floods. This is the time of the entrance of the new wherein we are operating in greater power, anointing, and flow of the Holy Spirit. Those who meditate upon His word are like trees planted by the living water flowing from the throne of God. God is restoring us, his garden, the trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, for the display of His splendour. He is also restoring the authority, which was lost in the garden of Eden, to His sons and daughters. God is working with intentionality towards a purpose, and we need to stir up and revive the flame within us, to drink from Him, to keep in step with what He is doing. We need to take a hold of the new, to prophesy as sons and daughters of the King. God is opening healing wells in and through His Church and God’s glory shall be revealed through us.