We have reached a place on the timeline of God where He is shifting, aligning, correcting, and adjusting through the blood of Jesus, plus a second touch, that which has been out of order for just too long in our lives. This second touch from Jesus is bringing an awakening in the body of Christ, clarity of vision, a complete restoration and perfection. This will enable Christ’s body to function according to design instead of default. God is revealing his heartbeat in a new way to his people and as we give heed to what He is doing it is elevating us to another level. Being courageous and holding on to God’s hand with both hands will prove our trust in him, because He is leading us out of our current condition, our place of complacency and familiarity, to where we are left with no other option but lean on him and depend on his power totally. He is about to completely reveal himself in and through us. It is a time of being challenged and stretched and the removal of limitations. We have come to a pre-destined time whereat we are to drench our flesh in God’s presence while spending time in the secret place, bringing it into submission so that God’s glory can be revealed in our lives. God is with us, feeding us and encouraging us unto the fulfilment of our destiny.