When Jesus rose from the dead, He divested himself of his abilities and invested them as gifts in His Body, the Church. There are firstly the Governmental gifts also known as the five-fold ministry, and then the Body gifts which are prophecy, serving, teaching, encouragement, giving, administration (leadership), and mercy. All of us can and should do these things, but some people flow in certain gifts in a stronger measure. There is another category or gifts to the Body, the nine gifts of the Spirit, of which God does the mixing and distribution to give us strengths in our lives. We are all uniquely created and each one has a theme to their life. Each one has been given a certain manifestation or revealing of the Spirit for the common good. These gifts are a word of wisdom, knowledge, and prophecy (the gift of prophecy being made up out of these three companion gifts). A gift of faith (faith is needed to operate in every one of the gifts, but this gift is bold, supernatural, uncommon faith), and gifts of healing. Working of miracles (for example, where something in the body of a person, which would never have healed naturally, is restored supernaturally by God). The discerning of spirits (seeing in the spiritual realm), diverse kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy. The information gifts, that is a word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning can be in operation together. The power gifts, which are a gift of faith, gifts of healings and working of miracles can be used together. The utterance gifts, tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy can be put together. The fruit of the Holy Spirit and the Word are very important, because that brings balance to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.