There were five notable miracles performed throughout the gospels by Jesus. Healing leprosy, the blind, the deaf, the mute, and the cripples. These were symbols of his gospel – the cancer of sin eating away at our lives was healed, (leprosy). He opened our eyes enabling us to see (blindness). He opened our ears, enabling us to hear his voice and be saved (deafness). He healed our inability to walk in the right way before God (cripples). He gave us a voice enabling us to speak his word (muteness). In our oneness with Christ through faith, we became partakers of his death and resurrection. Previously, as sinners, we were married to the Law. Having died with Christ we have been freed from the Law, and through his resurrection we are now married to Christ. As a natural result, we bring forth fruit unto God. The Law is now no longer external (bearing death and condemnation) but internal, written by the life-giving Spirit onto our hearts. Whereas the Law gave a fading glory to the face of Moses, the glory of the ministration of righteousness gives an exceeding, unfading glory to the believer. The Law was good but could not effect change because it was weakened by our flesh and only brought an awareness of sin. This Law was a veil blinding us to the glory of God because there was no change of heart. When Jesus came and died on the cross, He removed the veil, sentenced sin to death, breaking it as the ruling principle in our lives. He condemned the penalty of sin, broke the power of sin. and is in the process of even removing its presence. Having our minds set on the things of righteousness and holiness, which is walking in the Spirit, pleases God and brings life and peace. Paul contrasted the Spirit (the gospel message) to the letter of the Law (the Law of Moses), the first being spiritual or supernatural and the second flesh or natural. We need to get the revelation of the fact that since the Spirit of Jesus is in us, we have complete, absolute, freedom to be changed as we look at him as in a mirror. We have the freedom to love, to see the glory of God and be at liberty from sin because its power has been broken, see truth and the freedom it brings, experience a lack of sickness, understand our value to Christ, our identity, understand that we are blessed with every blessing in the heavenly realms. The mirror of the Word gives perfect liberty – behold it and do not forget what you see and be transformed by it.