When we get saved, Christ is in us, the hope (not a wish, but much stronger – a guarantee) of glory. However, He needs to be continuously formed in us until we reach the full measure, stature, and image of Christ, in other words, maturity or perfection. The fullness of the Godhead lives in us in bodily form, a great mystery. This not only requires from us a biblical understanding, but also to do something practically, in other words, spiritual disciplines. To attain maturity, we need to know how to develop our relationship with Christ. Spiritual disciples can start ‘in the flesh’ or mechanical, but consistent application thereof results in it becoming spiritual exercises when God responds to our disciplines by giving us his enabling grace. It also needs quality time to develop our spiritual lives. We need to understand that the practical things which we do, are a means to an end, channels of the Holy Spirit. When we interact with the community of saints, the revelation that all of us together forms the Body of Christ becomes evident, and that without interaction with this, his Body, reaching maturity in Christ is not possible. God wants us to experience him and that comes through practices which we perform individually, or corporately. The first category of disciplines which we follow is known as the inner disciples, which have to do with the transformation of the individual’s heart. They consist out of scripture reading and studying, prayer or prayer and fasting, private worship, meditation, silence or waiting on God, and journaling. The second set of disciples are outer disciplines, which, although personal, are mainly corporate. It consists out of abstinence, corporate fasting, frugality, chastity, secrecy, sacrifice and submission, and physical exercise and diet. The third set is outward corporate disciplines. They consist of church attendance, corporate worship, corporate study of the Word, involvement via service, fellowship, tithing and giving, public confession of sins, and acts of mercy. We need these disciplines to counteract superficiality. They liberate us from slavery to self-interest and fear. The spiritual disciplines enable us to engage in and become a permanent part of that which is real, the spirit world. The primary requirement to implement the disciplines, is a longing for God.