How and why we choose to say ‘yes’ to God continuously is the result of who we believe in and are connected to, and who our source of life is. It is God’s presence and unfailing faithfulness that sustains us. God wants us to be whole-heartedly and consistently connected to him, fully functional and healed. Faithfulness means to remain being loyal and steadfast. It is important to know why we love and are being loyal to God and be willing to pay the price attached thereto. We also are to remain loyal to him in the midst of our trials, thereby seeing our stories become testimonies filled with the glory and faithfulness of God, and us gaining the crown of life. Prayer is that which enables God’s people to stay loyal and connected to him as well as enlarging his Kingdom. One of the principles of God to which we should adhere, is the way in which we treat people. We must be careful to really look at people, being willing to help them, instead of just looking in their direction. Another principle of God to which we should adhere, is ethical integrity in ever sphere of life. For instance, ethical integrity at the workplace is an example of God’s goodness, grace and mercy, proving that He really exists. Becoming as skilled as possible in our work, and being stewards to serve others, should be part of our work ethics. We are to be diligent in faithfully following God’s principles and commands every day, worship Him wholeheartedly, and be steadfastly devoted to studying the Word, which is our manual for life. Bible study gives us a foundational authority, allowing us to apply the Word. It is important to consistently walk in repentance and forgiveness to obtain mercy and become mature in Christ. Faithfulness also means the true facts of the original – being an example of how to follow Christ. A faith-filled life is a result of who we believe in and why we believe these things. It is authenticity in faith, transformation over information (a place of understanding by faith). It is our choice to, because of our faithfulness and faith-filledness, consistently be moving towards God, over and over again, loving and obeying him.