The Holy Spirit is at work within us, freeing us progressively from sinful traits, developing in us a Christ-like character. The Holy Spirit is a minister to us. He bears witness with our spirits, assuring us that we are sons and heirs, co-heirs with Jesus Christ of God, after he had initially convicted us of sin, righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit witnesses to our spirits by giving us a taste of the fulness to come. The Holy Spirit was instrumental in the birth and ministry of Jesus and strengthened him to bear the cross. Even so, He will do the same things in us too. Not only did Jesus function under the power, anointing and by the ability of the Holy Spirit but after His resurrection God gave him the Spirit, making him both Lord and Christ, so that He could now pour the Spirit out on us. We receive life from the Spirit. God has anointed us with the Holy Spirit, sealed us and gave the Spirit as a down payment, a guarantee of our full redemption and the time is coming when even our bodies will be saved. This seal is the guarantee that we are genuine Christians, and it means that we are protected from destruction by the enemy. We can bring the powers of the age to come closer the more we walk in and with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit witnesses by making the Word of God in general a reality in our lives, thus proving that all the promises of our adoption are true. The Word and the Spirit are co-dependant unto the application of the Word in our lives to give us life. The Holy Spirit not only assures us of the fact that we are Sons of God, but also teaches us what that means. The Holy Spirit witnesses to us that Christ came by water and by blood. The water is the baptism of Jesus which did not take place because He had sin, but it was a foreshadow of our baptism, depicting our death, burial and being raised as sons. The blood of Jesus is that which He had shed to give us forgiveness of sins. The Holy Spirit is co-witnessing with the witness we already have in our hearts that we have life because we have the Son of God, making that sure and solid in our lives. The end result is then that we have a revelation and certainty of our intimate relationship with God and can say “abba, father” from deep within our spirits.