The sons of Issachar understood the time and therefore knew how to act. There was a call to invest in this conference by prayer, attending, and preparing an offering. The theme of the conference has been confirmed repeatedly and it is about something being in the heart of God for this moment, this time that we are in. The question is, what is it that this moment in time so special? Looking at time, one must realize that God lives outside of time. Time had to be created by him and time began when God started creating the cosmos. Time had a beginning, will have an end (it is finite), it is linear, quantifiable, measurable, and will cease when its purpose is completed. In the Old Testament the prophets were all looking forward to the fulfilment of certain times and events which have been ordained by God, or prophetic eschatology. In the New Testament the sense of time becomes apocalyptic eschatology, or the time of fulfilment. God has set the time for certain things in history, for instance the birth of Jesus, the coming resurrection and judgment, and the Kingdom of Heaven. There are two words for time in the Greek, the first being Chronos, meaning all of time (quantitative). The second word is Kairos (qualitative) or an opportune moment in time or Chronos. Because of qualitative moments of responding to God it has now become a Kairos moment for ACF, when heaven will intersect our space-time continuum or God will step into our experience. God has gathered the moments and set the time to visit his people as a witness. Multiple Kairos moments will become a season of God encounters. We are to set our hearts to accept it, as well as believe that this is to be the appointed time of God’s favour regarding anything that we have been reaching out to God for. Jesus was walking according to Chronos time to be crucified, buried and resurrected so that our time of visitation can be at any time. Jesus, as well others throughout history, have laboured for us to reap a harvest at this appointed time of blessing. It will be the end of the postponement and delay of visions, breakthroughs and every other thing what we have been waiting on God for, they key thereto being expectation igniting now-faith. We need to awaken to the fact that things are nearer now than when we first believed, and that change is eminent. We must be wise, and not miss this Kairos moment when heaven is intercepting earth.