When a ‘now’ moment arrives, it has been preceded by a build-up. Many have been in the process of dealings from God, not realizing that they are pregnant with God’s promises while going through difficulties and pain, but He is bringing them to a place of completion and birth. The first thing God has to deal with in us, is our ‘no’ to him, because you never get a ‘now’ from a ‘no’. There is often a move of God waiting in our spirits, and while we assume that it may not be God’s time for fulfillment yet, it could be our lack of progress in God instead, which is causing the delay. The most prevalent reason for Christians saying ‘no’ to God is fear because God often requires from us to do something that goes against the grain, but obedience to what He asks us to do, will kill the fear and build the Christ within. We do not need a character transplant, but to trust God, and in hearing and humbly obeying, we will find that we are only half a degree from a kingdom outbreak. Our ‘now’ is wrapped up in getting rid of our ‘no’. Our ‘now’ will also arrive when our ‘ow’ has sorted out our ego, when the pity party had stopped and all that is left is love, care, and compassion toward those in pain, presenting to them Jesus, the one who brought beauty into the pain. To be like Jesus, we will have scars, even as He does. Leaving when in pain is easy but staying and constantly saying ‘yes’ is lining yourself up for the ‘now’s’ of heaven. Regardless of the scars, we are still winners and there will be a time when every tear is wiped away. Every pain eventually achieves and is rewarded with more glory and power. The ‘ow’ leads to the ‘now’. The very threshold of your ‘now’ often has pain attached to it because the enemy wants to distract you from the fact that this is the moment of blessing. When you find purpose and pain intertwined, do not be distracted out of your ‘now’ by the ‘ow’. When God comes to you in the midst of pain and rescues and vindicates you and proves your calling, remember that we have not nearly gone through what He did, in rescuing us. Take your eyes from your pain and thank God for his kindness and care through it all. It is time for joy, time for the harvest.