During the incredible NOW conference every individual received something from the Lord. God is not a man, who would lie, and watches over his word so that it will perform what He has spoken it for. However, if we want to step into our ‘now’ we also have a part to play in the fulfilment of God’s word and promises to us. Our part is that we keep doing the good works which we have been involved with and stay flexible for change where God wants to stretch us and enlarge our capacity. It is possible to miss the ‘now’ moment if you do not realize, recognize or perceive that it has arrived. The ‘now’ moment could look like repentance and forgetting the past, a greater willingness to sacrificially serve in the various departments and activities of the local Church, attending all the services, personal prayer and Bible study, and to start studying in the direction your prophecy was about. This all is instrumental in forming and protecting a theonomous (God) culture where the truth, values and moral laws originate from God, and we follow his guidance and commands. The theonomous culture is in contrast to the Heteronomous culture where groups of people control the morals and ethics of others, like we see in Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures, and the Pharisees and Sadducees in Bible times. This culture is oppressive, consists of empty traditions of men and is worldly. The other culture which we find in the secular world is the Autonomous culture where individuals define their own truth and moral values, independent of divine and external authority, it is all about the self. This is a futile, sick, deceitful and foolish culture. These three cultures are also comparable to a three-generation principle, where the first one loves and follows God, the second starts compromising and the third is totally away from God. To step into our ‘now’ and grow spiritually, we need to stick to and protect the theonomous culture, also in our personal lives, not only in church. Again, this culture is developed by studying and obeying God’s Word, following good examples, worshipping and honouring God, integrating biblical values in everyday life, creating a community of grace and truth, making decisions based on biblical principles, serving the Body of Christ with the gift that He has placed inside, and, very importantly, teaching the next generation to know, love, and serve God. Serving reflects the heart of Christ, and it is important to not allow the ‘ow’ which is sure to come, to result in offense which causes you to run away. This will only rob you in causing you to miss out on your ‘now’.