Instead of just thanking God for his purposes in our lives, we are to also be doing whatever He lays upon our hearts to fulfil those purposes. An example of this is reaching out to someone when they come up in your mind, thus combatting the dangers of members of the Body of Christ becoming isolated. This is being naturally supernatural, being responsible with, honouring, and applying God’s Word and instructions to us. It is essential that we do not relate with each other with masks on but be real, open and vulnerable. We present our bodies to God as a reasonable act of service, have our minds transformed and thereby proving our faith. Every aspect of our lives is to be lived from God and prayer should be our default in every difficult situation. We need to realize that God is the immovable mover and by being open to him, stopping our resistance and surrendering to Him, we will see him moving in our lives. We also need to be open to others. By loving God fully, we can also love others. I Corinthians 13 is not suggestions, but instructions which are to be applied. We need to ask God how we can practically change people’s lives. We must live generous lives, sharing our time, skills and presence with people, while being helped and led in this by the Holy Spirit. We need to readily recognize what God wants from us and quickly respond, for us to experience maximum effectivity, development, and well-formed maturity. Let our lives have a Godly ripple-effect to those around us, instead of the opposite. The acronym for open is O is offer, P is our posture of readiness, E is for execute, and the N stands for now. May the strength, life, power and love of God flow through our open arms to the communities and families around us.